
It’s been 12 days since my cone biopsy. The doctor gave me 1 week’s worth of  medical leave to recuperate at home. It’s tricky when you have an operation where you can’t see the wound; you don’t know whether it’s healing well or otherwise.

Recovery is going well, I suppose. After a week, I still get a lot of brownish discharge, sometimes with a little blood. Plus, I can’t make sudden or violent movements around the pelvic area, as it seems to irritate the wound. Is this normal?

So far I’ve tried my best to adhere to a diet free of seafood, eggs and chicken;  Chinese medicine treats these foods as a no-no if you want wounds to heal well. It’s very hard to do so when you’re a meat lover, and you have a love for spicy food which invariably contains belacan! After this is over, I will swear myself off fish for a month 😛

I can’t do vigorous exercise, that’s the most irritating part. I’m turning into a lazy cow.

Thanks to all friends who called with well-wishes. Hugs and kisses to all!


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